
Matshekge Senior Secondary School Stands Against Teenage Pregnancy

Getting pregnant whilst still attending school has become a normal thing in our country. In order to curb this shame Matshekge Senior Secondary School in Bobonong held a pregnancy awareness campaign recently. This is because the school for the past two years has lost a lot of students due to teenage pregnancy.


Like in many districts, teenage pregnancy is a serious concern in the Bobirwa Sub-district, and the sooner awareness is raised, the better. During the campaign, students were not onlyΒ advised to respect their bodies, but also to work hard and have better dreams of what they wanted in life. Having a mission as well as a vision would enable the girl childΒ to have a brighter future.

Causes Of Teenage Pregnancy In Botswana

Β 1)Β Poverty- when children are raised up in poor families it becomes easy for them to resort to other means of getting financial support.As a result they get involved with older men hence teenage pregnancy.

2) Rape – Sometimes children get pregnant due to being raped either because they were at the wrong placesΒ  like bars and clubs at wrong timesΒ or even in safe places where there are no parents or supervision.

3) Being involved in sexual activities at an early age. At a young age children have no information about sexual activities and they end up doing things with little or no knowledge at all.

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