
5 Tips To Help You Nail That Job Interview

There is nothing as comforting as getting that call to come for a job interview after a hectic job hunt, but that cannot be as great as hearing that you have passed the interview. Best news ever!

So if you have been sending out applications and hoping for an interview check these tips here to help you nail that interview and get the job.

1.      Appear Confident

Look your potential employer in the eye and shake his or her hand. Good manners go a long way to helping you land a job. Be friendly and don’t make jokes.

2.      Be Prepared.

Appearing confident is easiest when you know what you’re talking about. Find out what you can about the position or company in advance and show your knowledge during the interview. Researching the company shows the interviewer that you’re smart and eager to learn. Doing your research also lets you learn what inspires you about the company so you can share your enthusiasm with the interviewer.
If you can, find out more about the position itself. Looking on the company’s website or talking to someone who has worked there allows you to think in advance about which skills you have that fit well with the job.

3.      Follow Up

Send the interviewer a brief email or letter thanking him or her for spending time with you. Say how much you are interested in the position. You might be surprised at what a good strategy follow-up notes are, especially if you’re interviewing for an internship or office position. Check all your spelling and grammar before you send your note.

Parents or older siblings can offer good advice about job hunting and interviewing. So don’t hesitate to ask for help on everything from putting together your résumé to choosing an interview outfit. Chances are, you’ll be interviewing with and working for people their age anyway so a little insight can’t hurt.


  1.  Do Some Research About The Company Ahead Of Time

You will make an impression as a serious candidate if you come to the interview with some background knowledge about the company and the direction in which it’s heading. Try to figure out the goals of the business or the organization that you’re applying for a job with, getting some sense of their style and the way they situate themselves against their competitors.

  1. Listen Closely And Pay Attention

One of the worst things you could do in an interview is have to ask an interviewer to repeat their question because you weren’t paying attention. Don’t disqualify yourself by letting your mind wander. Most interviews won’t take more than 15 minutes, and certainly never longer than an hour or so. Focus on the conversation at hand and respond actively.


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