
Jealousy costs GS-26 SRC elections

The Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) University of Botswana (UB) student wing, GS-26 is blaming BDP Executive Secretary and BDP Youth Committee Chairperson for their recent devastating loss in UB Student Representative Council (SRC) elections.

The GS26 has recently suffered an embarrassing defeat for UB SRC 2021/2022 elections to Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) UB Student wing, Moono Wa Baithuti. In the elections where they were buttered to the pulp, GS-26 had initially blamed election rigging.

As events turn out, the GS-26 is now pointing fingers to the BDP Executive Secretary Ms Reobonye Merafhe, and BDP National Youth Executive Committee (NYEC) Chairperson Mr. Kabo Masoba.

According to GS-26 2021/2022 SRC elections report, the duo have made life difficult for them and frustrated their campaign. The primary reason for such cold treatment was triggered when the duo got jealous that the GS-26 Chairperson Mr. Omolemo Somolekae got invited to Office of the President by the Press Secretary to the President Mr. Batlhalefi Leagajang.

“It was very surprising for Ms Merafhe and Mr Masoba to get extremely agitated by that visit to the extent of barring the UB GS-26 Chairperson from ever establishing contact with what they then termed “civil servant” and discuss matters concerning GS-26. That action on its own, completely soiled the relationship that the GS-26 enjoyed with Mr Batlhalefi Leagajang from then henceforth” the report revealed. Ever since, no communication from GS-26 to the mother party was ever successful thanks to the two.

The jealousy and frustrations further escalated when the GS-26 Executive decided to directly meet the party treasurer, Mr. Satar Dada.

“Upon reaching Tsholetsa we found ourselves being seriously verbally attacked by the Executive Secretary Ms Reobonye Merafhe in the presence of Mr Kabo Masoba for simply following up on requests we made regarding the opening of the bank account and having been given permission by the BDP Treasurer to seek the BWP 1000.00 opening balance from the office. The ninety (90) minute long verbal assault was extremely unprofessional, unethical and disappointing to say the least.”

GS-26 BDP 2021/22 SRC Election Report

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