
Never fail before you start trying

It is not a good thing for someone to always think they will fail something before they even try it. Some people even go to an extent of saying they can’t do something because they are afraid of failing, now let us say this: who has the brain between you and failure? It is the person who has the brain and that must be put to work. Making a mistake has never killed anybody, so one has to try over and over until they get what they want. The mistakes that happen in the process won’t kill you, they happen to test your abilities and to give you a lesson, they happen to give you experience and in the long run you become a strong and experienced person, thanks to the mistakes you made during your trial period.

Let us be inspired by the things that happen in our presence and eliminate the word FAILURE from our vocabulary. Let us take for example a good lesson from babies: they are born with nothing but they grow up to become everything. They come with no strength to sit on their own, no ability to walk and no knowledge of speaking. They say this to themselves β€œone day I will just be like mummy, daddy or my sister. I will be independent just like them.” It does not just end there, they work on it day in and day out. They start by learning how to sit without support, from there they learn how to stand on their own. In the whole process they fall and it will be very painful, they sometimes lose teeth which is even more painful than just falling. Have we ever seen them giving up? No! They fall, cry and when the pain goes they stop crying and start over again. Isn’t that amazing?

We are tested in almost everything we do in life, before somebody can be an expert in anything, they are normally tested. These tests are never easy, there are no shortcuts to passing them. You attempt them, and remember that the first attempt is never easy but one has to get what they initially wanted to do and by so doing they must be willing to take risks. Whether you will fail or pass, you must attempt the test and prepare your mind to accept either of the results in a positive way. You must be willing to stretch yourself further and learning from the mistakes you made in the past. Know that during the test you will have to work hard, you will fall, you will get hurt and you might fail after all your efforts but you have to keep pushing until you get it right. It is all about fighting the negative inner talk inside you which takes away your self confidence and keeps on telling you that you will fail. Eliminate the word failure from all your thinking and start doing the work.


Gofaone Nanie Peletang

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