
BMD Youth League Attends The Youth Political Academy In London

The Liberal Democrats offer exciting opportunities for 24 youth delegates from liberal political parties to come to the UK and take part in a Youth Political Academy. Some members of the of the Botswana Movement for Democracy BMD youth league National Executive Committee have heeded that call, and they are now in London attending this Academy.


BMD Youth League president Phenyo Segokgo, said this conference will benefit the party as those attending are set to experience how campaigns in the 1st world are carried out, and also get involved in a variety of dynamic campaigns. There will be training sessions on constituency campaigning, volunteer mobilization and diversity outreach.

The United Kingdom Liberal Democrats Youth Political Academy is a two day conference in London with training sessions on constituency campaigning, volunteer mobilization and diversity outreach.  This is a demanding programme and is designed for young and enthusiastic party campaigners and organizers.

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