

One cannot help it but be fervent when hearing the story of Botswana Diamonds being told by those who have first-hand experience of diamonds. His Honour Mr Slumber Tsogwane said yesterday officiating at the launch of Botswana Diamonds Stamp in Orapa. The event was a collaboration between Debswana and Botswana Post.


His Honour said diamonds have contributed to developments in the country citing an example of medical facilities. He said, as the country transition to a high income economy, most of the donors will no longer donate to Botswana and the country will depend on diamonds. Speaking as a NAHPA chairperson, he said discussions and strategies are already at play to map a way forward in sustaining what has been achieved when the Global funds runs dry.


Honourable Tsogwane further said Batswana should speak in one voice when talking about diamonds, not forgetting what the country had gone through when dealing and defending diamonds against survival international. He said in defending Botswana diamonds it is also important to defend the country and its democracy.


He implored everyone to tell good stories about the shining example of democracy which has relevance to diamonds. He said diamonds are a shining gem, but the biggest one is the democracy of Botswana. He implored Batswana to guard their democracy inorder to preserve it.

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