
Botswana Investment and Trade Centre Holds An Open Day For The Business Community

Botswana Investment Trade Centre (BITC) cordially invites the business community and members of the public to its open day. The purpose of this event is for you to interact and engage with BITC management for a better appreciation of the BITC mandate and opportunities as follows:


• Existing investment opportunities
• Market access opportunities,
• Investor facilitation services,
• The Botswana Export Development Program and Export Promotion services,
• Global Expo Botswana 2016,
• The Botswana Trade Portal and
• Brand Botswana.

Date: September 23, 2016
Time: 10h00 – 17h00
Venue: BITC Offices, Exponential Building, Plot 54351, CBD

Don’t miss an exhibition of Botswana products by some of the BITC assisted companies. For more information, kindly liaise with the BITC Corporate Communication team on 363 3300 or [email protected]

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