
Bra John gets recognized

All-time local music pundit Bra John Selolwane was last week recognized by the ministry of Youth empowerment, Sport and Culture. He has making major contributions in helping the music fraternity in Botswana gain recognition. Now old, happy and retired, bra John gets the badges placed on him after many years of getting overlooked but he preserved in his quest of making the music industry in Botswana get seen by the outside world.

In his years as an active youngster in the music circles, he has played and recorded albums with the late Bra Hugh Masekela whom he met during the latterโ€™s exile in Botswana. He formed Kalahari with founding members like Banjo Mosele, Lekofi Sejeso, Aubrey Woki, Gino Maposa and Whyte Kgopo. Moreoevr, the veteran musician has been making extensive contributions by mentoring upcoming artists.

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