Donations Symbolise Good Cordial Relations Says The First Lady Mrs Masisi
The First Lady of the Republic of Botswana, Mrs Neo Masisi says the continued donations from the People’s Republic of China symbolises the good cordial relations the two countries contiune to enjoy. First Lady Masisi said this when officially receiving a consignment of medical supplies from China this afternoon.
The medical supplies are a donation by the First Lady of the People’s Republic of China, Peng Liyuan to the Office of First Lady in Botswana. First Lady Masisi said the donation came as a result of the Organization of the African First Ladies for Development (OAFLAD) which she is a member of, seeking assistance with regards to the protection of mothers, children and young people in Africa against the effects of Covid-19.
Botswana is among 32 other African countries that received such donations. First Lady Masisi said she is pleased by the generosity of China’s First Lady and the people of China in this time of need. She went on to say it is evident that Covid-19 can only be defeated by working in solidarity both locally and internationally.
The Embassy of China in Botswana also donated 1000 blankets to the Office of the First Lady to help those in need especially in this winter period.
For his part the Assistant Minister for Presidential Affairs, Governance and Public Administration Mr Dumezweni Mthimkhulu reiterated that Botswana and China have solid diplomatic relations that have existed since 1975. Mr Mthimkhulu said it is therefore not surprising that China continues to support Botswana in the fight against Covid-19 evidenced by the numerous donations received.