
Makwinja shames male rape victims

Nnaniki Makwinja, the Member of Parliament for Lentsweletau/Mmopane has shamed men who find themselves as victims of rape by women. She shared her sentiments on the issue today when debating a motion on Penal Code Ammendment bill. The national assembly was ammending the sentences associated with rape.

In her submission, Makwinja referred to males who get raped by women as “dikopa”. The setswana word ‘sekopa’ basically means ‘a good for nothing boy/man’. “Re dire le gore le ene monna yo thubeditsweng ke mosadi wa sekopa yo go nne le Melao ya teng” [We must must make laws for good for nothing men who get raped by women]. said Makwinja.

Though the Member of Parliament for Boteti East, also an Assistant Minister of Health and Wellness- Sethomo Lelatisitswe raised a point of order to object the use of that derogatory and belittling word, the deputy speaker- Honourable Pono Moatlhodi saw it fit for male rape victims. “The word ‘sekopa’ is not wrong” Moatlhodi affirmed.

The issue of rape where by men are victims has for a long time been thrown under the carpet. While some argue that it is not possible for a man/boy to be raped, some further victimize men and boys who got raped by women and girls. There are reports that even at police stations such men and boys get dismissed while some were laughed at by the police officers.

The issue has reportedly led to reduction of reports by men and boys rape victims for the fear of being ridiculed by those who are supposed to protect them.

Another comment by a legislator, Honourable Caterpillar Hikuama, the Member of Parliament for Ngami questioned if it is possible for men to fall victim to rape by women. “I want to know exactly how you say man get raped. How can a man be raped without his consent?” he asked.

While the war against rape and sexual offenses continue, some are of the view that the laws have somehow turned a blind eye to men and boys, but views them as perpetrators only, not victims in any way.

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