
To Buy Or Not To Buy BTCL Shares: MP Ndaba Cautions

BTCL shares sale opened yesterday for all Batswana who are interested. People responded in large numbers, simply because it is wise to invest in your own furure. Member of Parliament for Gaborone Bonnington South, and BMD President, Ndaba Gaolatlhe wrote a heartfelt speech to those who are not well informed when it comes to shares. Carefully read the informative speech below, which was written by him, to his followers on social media.



“There is a buzz about the BTCL shares, and the question is, should I buy or should I not. the answer is not the same for each one. It depends on who you are and what you wish to achieve. It depends on your risk tolerance, it depends on how much you earn, what you current investment portfolio looks like and how much cashflow you need periodically. It also depends on BTCL itself, will it grow over time, will it face greater competition later than now? The answers to these questions feed into not only whether you should buy, but how much you should buy if you decide to buy.

If you are going to buy something, then you should expect to gain more than if you had kept the money in the bank right now. By all estimates, you are better off putting any monies you will not need to be using now in shares , rather than putting it in a bank account. this means one should expect BTCL profits to grow by more than the annual bank interest on your deposit annually or on average over the next few years. many people would expect this to be true, so would want to therefore buy some shares, but how much?

For people who generally keep all their excess money in bank accounts, and nowhere else, it is worth investing some money on BTCL shares. For these people, it is also worth participating a strategic asset or sector of your country which, if well managed, can do well (and hence you may do well to in the long term, at least better than putting money in a bank account).

For people who are looking for high returns, very high returns in the near future, then there are alternatives to the BTCL (I have looked at the projected financials and do not expect BTCL to be an exceptionally high growth company, unless certain things are done, of which there is no obvious evidence) For people who already have been building a portfolio of their own – I am afraid I would have to look at your portfolio to advice on whether to buy or not to buy.”

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