

1. Botswana Energy Regulatory Authority informs the public that the retail pump prices for petrol grades, diesel and illuminating paraffin will be adjusted as follows:


a) retail pump price of unleaded petrol 93 will be increased by 133 thebe per litre;


b) retail pump price of unleaded petrol 95 will be increased by 140 thebe per litre;


c) retail pump price of diesel will be increased by 259 thebe per litre; and


d) retail pump price of paraffin will be increased by 246 thebe per litre;


2. The above changes take effect from 00:01hrs on Wednesday, 13th September 2023.


3. The above adjustments are based on the analysis of the movement of petroleum products prices for the month of August 2023. Both crude oil prices and refined products prices increased in August. The increase was mainly driven by supply side factors such as the voluntary output cuts by Saudi Arabia that are to be extended to end of 2023.


For further information please contact BERA at 5330392 email; [email protected]

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