
Nominations Open For Young Batswana Change Makers

2016 is a big year for our country, it is a time frame that we use to measure our progress in the past 50 years that we have been independent. Young people have also played an integral part in the development of this nation, henceforth, it is equally imperative that they get the recognition they deserve. Mail & Guardian Africa, and Gabz FM are collaborating to celebrate young Batswana who contributed in their respective fields for the development of this country.


As part of the partnership, these two media giants will tell the stories through the journey of the past fifty years, in the sights, sounds and people that Botswana has created since 1966. In recognition of the youth, M&G Africa and Gabz FM will host a Change Makers Summit and Gala dinner, which will feature brilliant Batswana minds in diverse fields in the country.

This is now your chance to nominate a young person that you feel has made a contribution that is significant through courage, innovation and discipline. Nominees should be under the age of 40 and should have made significant change in society, business, political, sport and culture and in the lives of the people of Botswana.

Nominations are now open and will close on May 27th 2016. The public can access the nomination form online, Gabz FM and M&G websites and on social media platforms. Printed nomination forms will also be available at Gabz FM offices at Fairgrounds.

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