
4 Reasons You Should Embrace a Cold Weather Workout This Season

Your Metabolism is Stoked

The body has to expend additional energy to stay warm, so exercising in the cold yields a higher caloric expenditure. This has a particular effect on brown fat cells (an energy-burning fat commonly found in athletes and those with a high lean muscle ratio).

Get Essential Vitamin D

Itโ€™s easy to quickly become vitamin D deficient. Even when itโ€™s cold, getting outside for a sweat can help you get in the recommended 1,000 to 2,000s IUs recommended each day. So exercising becomes vital.

It can help you pick up the pace

You donโ€™t want to be out there longer than you have to be, right? Well good news: a brisk chill can actually make you move faster.

Youโ€™ll be happier

Staying active can help to provide you with a necessary mood boost.



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